Monday, December 3, 2012

Tape Figure - Feeling sad

Day 1: Dana's Right Leg

Perfection! I was able to create the perfect lady crotch

Figures finally done and completely assembled. Mine is the one to the left (or to Dana's right).

Nothing else to do with our figures but to give one another a massage. What a perfect fit!
In choosing "body language" as my first theme, I found it appropriate to form my tape model demonstrating "sad." It is an emotion or signaling of the body that is very easy to interpret, and I hope some of my photos illustrate just that.

During the construction of the tape models, Dana and I had a blast. I wanted to photo document my progress as I taped her and then in the end, we wound up just having fun with our models. Her original theme, or topic, was "body bag;" however, once done, we decided to place our figures side-by-side and then one in front of the other, as if she was giving my model a massage.

Overall, the project was great. We had a blast working with one another and nailed our figures to look exactly how we intended.

Just in case you can't tell who is who, I am the much shorter, stockier model and Dana is the taller figure. Aside from my model being just about an inch shorter than my actual size (I think I cut my self off at the waist), our models represented our body types extremely well. Using the crisscross, short tape technique, allowed us to really have good contour around our more feminine areas.

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